LUT Choc Mousse August 05, 2022Rochelle Marreiros This is delicious AND sooooo good for you. Chia seeds are one of the few plants that has a complete amino acid profile. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein in the...
Dark Chocolate Banana LUT Blend Cake May 25, 2022Rochelle Marreiros This may be the most delicious way to healthily treat yourself whilst balancing your cycle hormones. Packed with superfoods and nutrients, whilst overflowing with velvety, chocolatey goodness. Enjoy!
LUT Blend Protein bars March 23, 2022Rochelle Marreiros Get your protein and hormone support hit in one go. Watch the reel here. Ingredients: 1/2c mixed nuts of choice (blended) 1/2c LUT blend 1/3c tahini (hulled) 2 scoops of...
Fight Viruses With A Strong Gut January 10, 2022Rochelle Marreiros Boosting the Immune System Always Begins in The Gut 70-80% of the immune system is located in the gut. So it makes sense to look after the health of your...
LUT Blend Fruit Crumble December 24, 2021Rochelle Marreiros The Recipe Recipe serves 1 (Can be multiplied for more). Watch the reel here. Ingredients 1/2 C Oats 1/4 C LUT™ Blend 1 t Cinnamon 1.5 T Maple Syrup 1.5...
What is Seed Cycling & How Does it help in PCOS and Hormone Balance October 10, 2021Rochelle Marreiros Seed cycling is the naturopathic and nutritional practice of taking certain seeds in two main phases of the menstrual cycle; the Follicular Phase or first half of your cycle and...
Garlic Seed & Nut Crusted Salmon October 04, 2021Rochelle Marreiros Salmon is an inflammation reducing, Luteal phase loving, omega-3 fatty acid food that will make your hormones sing with joy. Without healthy fat, healthy hormones can not be produced. This...
What is PCOS? Can it be treated naturally? September 02, 2021Tayla Wiehahn PCOS or poly cystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal condition with a pretty strongly misleading name. The name suggests it has a lot to do with extra cysts on the...
Quick Oat & Banana FOL Cookies (10 mins prep) July 28, 2021Rochelle Marreiros This is a recipe that will delight your Follicular phase tastebuds. Especially cozy for the early Follicular phase and menstruation. Designed by Naturopath Tayla Wiehahn and packed full of nutrients. Give...
6 HUGE mistakes when choosing natural period relief supplements July 16, 2021Tayla Wiehahn Premenstrual syndrome, migraines, painful, irregular or missing periods cause serious stress and disharmony to our lives and can have detrimental effects on health and wellbeing. While we are surrounded by...
5 Quick Tips To Gut Health June 04, 2021Rochelle Marreiros There's no questioning that having good gut health is key to good overall health. It can be confusing to know where to start, so here are five simple ways that...
6 Things that happen when you benefit from seed cycling. May 23, 2021Rochelle Marreiros Seed cycling has an abundance of benefits which, over time, bring you so many other positive outcomes. Find out our top 6 things that happen when you benefit from seed cycling...